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  1. Freedom

    Bunk Board Replacement

    At the very least some sort of plastic instead of carpet. Did bunks with the caliber wrap this year went on fairly easy.
  2. Freedom

    South dakota justice

    Pretty hard to assume much else based on the facts provided so far and your post.
  3. Screenshot_20240528-222549.png


  4. Freedom

    South dakota justice

    Did you actually read the article? You never seem to do that. Seems more like "Find headline, twist facts to support agenda, share to NDA". Article says one neighbor allegedly assaulted his wife. He shot three neighbors, even went back to shoot one that was on the phone with 911. He should get...
  5. Freedom

    South dakota justice

    Getting drunk and murdering your neighbors is definitely behavior that should be supported.
  6. Freedom

    Quiet Pellet Gun

    Stay under 1100 fps, that one is too fast imo
  7. Freedom


    "Spend baby spend" when talking about a problem that will outlive us all is quite humorous. At least we can agree that Ukraine is a lost cause.
  8. Freedom

    Property Tax Petition

    Laugh reacts to the close minded and deaf ears 🤷‍♂️ I'm not incredibly religious but grew up immersed in it. Both sides of the political spectrum have about tore the Bible to shreds trying to justify BS. It's disgusting. I fell into the same trap Preaching to the choir. I felt justified because...
  9. Freedom

    Property Tax Petition

    If that's the case the parable shouldn't get you so fired up. It's the first quote I've shared after watching prairieghost and jaunr pick and choose what parts they agree with using it to justify their political opinions. Feeding school children shouldn't be partisan politics. I give away my...
  10. Freedom

    Property Tax Petition

    I'm sure "but that's socialism" will be considered a great excuse at the gates of heaven
  11. Freedom

    Property Tax Petition

    There's a few preachy fucks that need to read the book. Carry on.
  12. Freedom

    Property Tax Petition

    Matthew 25:40-45 King James Version 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into...
  13. Freedom

    Favorite Walleye Plastic

    Like the moxi as well. Usually white or the pink/white color.
  14. Freedom

    Eating fish eggs

    Made pike caviar once, edible but not worth it. Fried perch eggs weren't great either. There's some fish egg soup id like to try yet but gotta find someone else willing to eat it.
  15. Freedom

    ATF early morning raid 1 dead

    Exactly. Most posting here were singing a different tune the last time an event like this was in the news
  16. Freedom


    I see Lbrandt mentioned candy hybrids any other favorite onion varieties? Also curious about some high yielding potato varieties
  17. Freedom

    Tik tok

    Agreed. End game is our government wants access to the data.
  18. Freedom


    I could sit here and type out all of mine and others grievances with trump and quote Scripture as well but when it comes down to it from a biblical standpoint I can't see supporting either candidate. There is so little "good" when it comes to both of them. We will just have to agree to disagree.
  19. Freedom


    Completely disagree. Reading that verse in context with the rest of the chapter does not seem to support supporting the lesser of two evils but Im not going to sit here and twist the word of God to justify my views. I feel there's too much of this happening by both political extremes. There's...
  20. Freedom


    I don't think the good Lord says anything about supporting the lesser of two evils. In the end you still supported evil

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