A hypothetical movie


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 28, 2015
I’m not sure if you’re asking for opinions on this movie or if something like this would ever happen. I haven’t seen the movie so I’ll give my opinion on the later. I know we Americans like to think we are all bad asses and everything but a civil war will never happen. We no longer have that kinda fight in us. We literally sit back and watched an election get stolen and not a single patriotic American did a damn thing but bitch and moan about it. Our taxes are through the roof along with inflation which in turn gives the government more tax money in a sense. And they keep raising taxes, keep giving money, healthcare and housing to illegal's. Not to mention our enemies in the form of pallets of money(think Obama and Iran). Biden and the Ukraine. In which case billions of dollars are unaccounted for. All these bad ass Americans sit on their hands. We’re basically cattle at this point, money machines for our corrupt government. They no we don’t have it in us to do a damn thing. That’s why they laugh and smile when we mock them or yell insults at them. They know the joke is on us. The Revolutionary War was fought over a three percent increase tax. Think about that. I’m convinced they start smashing babies heads in the streets and we still wouldn’t do anything but piss and moan about it. We’ll gladly go over sees and fight for the freedom of other countries and sit back and watch our own get destroyed from within. Mark my words, we will never see a civil


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Beulah nd
There will never be another civil war simply because of cell phones. Everything is listened to theses days with Alexa and other devices right down to the cell phone that each of carry daily. A war needs to be planned, and a civil war will never be able to planned because of communication.

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